39.2 weeks
So, I have almost made it! I must admit I was expecting this baby to come early (up to 2 weeks), not sure why but I just had a feeling..... hmmm, got my feeling slightly wrong hey!
I am due on Sunday (5 days time), I keep wondering whether the baby will actually turn up by then or whether I am going to be one of these poor women who see their Due Date come and go.... I hope not!
Check out my monthly photos below that I have taken along the way. It's mad to see how much I have grown. I guess it wasn't until about 32+ weeks that I actually thought I had a bump and that I 'looked pregnant', silly really as I had a bump from earlier than that but I guess you see yourself differently and that was what I felt.
I am so lucky that I have kept the weight to my bump and not the rest of my body, crazy really considering I have done no exercise and have eaten so many cakes and chocolate. I hit the 11 stone mark this week, the heaviest I have ever been, was quite an achievement! Lets hope the weight doesn't stay put for long after the birth...
14 weeks
18 weeks
22 weeks
26 weeks
30 weeks
34 weeks (whoops, forgot to wear same t-shirt and face the right way...)
39 weeks
I had my 39 week midwife appointment today and I was hoping they would let me have a membrane sweep. I asked but they won't give them until over due date so they have booked me in for one in a weeks time. The midwife, who was very firm but lovely said that she hopes I won't be at that appointment as the baby is in a good position and pretty much ready to come, woo hoo!! The baby is 2/5 engaged (1/5 is ready for action and I was 3/5 two weeks ago), it can move but hopefully it is ready soon. She told me to keep active, eat curry to keep the bowels moving and have sex (hmmm, 39 weeks pregnant and attempting to feel sexy.....).
She had a good feel around and said she could feel the babies cheeks (ahhh!) and it was crazy as she was feeling right down into my pelvis, I just can't imagine it fitting all the way down there. She also asked whether we knew the sex and after I said no, she said she definitely knew from hearing the heartbeat. Obviously she never told me but it would be interesting to see whether she was right!
I go to bed each night thinking, ohh I wonder whether tonight is the night. Then wake in the morning (after several toilet stops and tossing and turning through out the night) to a little disappointment that I have another day to go... I have been having slight period pain, some days worse than others but apparently this is a good sign and each cramp and pain before is one less contractions during labour.
I really hope baby comes before Sunday!!!! Please baby come soon, mummy wants her body back and is desperate to meet her little son or daughter ;0)
Wow, you really popped out at 27 weeks! so crazy. Hopefully babys here soon :¬)