Saturday, 22 January 2011

1 more day till D-Day!

So... I had an official false alarm labour....

I woke at 3am on Friday morning (2 days before due day) and had my show, it was a relatively small amount but was adamant I knew what it was (mucus like with streaks of blood - nice!). I woke Dan up to tell him (which he loved) and got back into bed with a little tinge of excitement that things may be starting. About 30 mins later I woke again with sharp lower back pain, period pain and mild contractions, tightening of my tummy. I lay there for a while and noticed that they were coming every 5-7 mins. I could deal with the discomfort but couldn't sleep so I told Dan I was going downstairs to watch some tv and would wake him if it got worse.

From 3.30am till 6am, I watch a couple of episodes of The OC (hehe), had a cuppa and a bowl of cereal and timed the contractions. They weren't painful just very uncomfortable and I did have to use my breathing techniques through-out. I was timing on my cool iphone app. and they were coming every 7-10 mins and lasting for about 45 seconds. I was sure that this was the start of it, the pain in my lower back and then round to my tummy as the contraction hit was a sure sign of things to come. I was getting tired and by 6am the 'contractions' started to ease off so I went back up to bed but told Dan that he probably shouldn't go into work that day. We managed to get some sleep until about 8am when we woke and the 'contractions' had gone....

I continued the day with more 'show' appearing when I went to the loo and just random braxton hicks. I kept getting my lower back period pain like feeling but nothing more. I just took paracetamol and got on with the day, just waiting. I did check my hospital bag and repack and put the car seat in. Just in case!

All Dan's work colleagues kept sending messages wishing us luck and we (well I) just felt like idiots as we weren't having the baby just yet and it didn't seem likely that it would come anytime soon.

That night we got a takeaway curry to try and get things moving but the only baby like thing that happened in our house that night was me sleeping like one :0( I woke on Saturday morning (1 day before due date) after a great night sleep and only period pain to deal with!

I guess the baby will come when it's ready and there's nothing more I can do really. It's very frustrating as I just want things to start. It did make me realise that it's going to be quite scary when it actually happens and bloody painful but I'm ready for it and just want to get going!

So, agenda for today.... a long walk, staying active and remain positive, hopefully = baby Hawkes arrival!

1 comment:

  1. Arghhhhhh. How frustrating! I feel for ya. I guess you know what mild contractions feel like now tho. Hang in there!
