Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011 here we come!!!

37 weeks....

I am officially 'Full Term', meaning that the baby is fully grown and should it arrive any time from now it no longer be classed as 'premature'! It's crazy really because although I haven't had a bad pregnancy the last few months have seemed to drag and it feels like I have been pregnant for ages.... Now I only have 3 weeks to go, I am thinking yikes the time has flown by and baby will be with us any day!! What happened....

I think we are ready for the baby to arrive but we do still have a few things to do and buy so another couple of weeks would be great. I really don't want it to be late, going over 40 weeks will be awful! Speaking to a few people who have had baby's recently and most tend to be a week or so early so hopefully we will be one of those. I do not want to be induced!! Although, as I keep saying, the baby will come when it's good and ready so I just have to be patient! I see myself growing daily now and I can finally look at myself and say, wow I am sure pregnant! (that has taken almost 9 months though!). When I am out and about I keep thinking whether people think I am 'about to drop' or whether I still have a while to go.
I weighed myself and I am now 10 stone 12 pounds so have put on about 21 pounds which is pretty amazing and I count myself lucky. We will be doing a little sweepstake at a party tonight to see how big the baby will be. I think it will be quite a big one as I think I am all baby and not much else. I hope I lose the weight relatively quickly although I won't be trying hard to lose it to begin with, I will let my body do what my body needs to do!

New Years Eve came and went and this year Dan and I weren't too fussed about doing anything big so we ended up booking into Max's Thai in Wallington for dinner and then snuggle up with a film and at least try and hold out until midnight! We had a lovely night, lovely food (as always, thanks Max!) and then were back home for 10pm, watched some tv, then the London fireworks and were in bed by 1am. The baby was moving about at midnight too so I think it was enjoying spending time with mum and dad and being nice and chilled!

Into 2011 we go.... 2010 saw us get married, have an absolutely amazing honeymoon, move to a lovely house (albeit renting) and fall pregnant, what a awesome year! 2011 will now see us become mum and dad and a little family which is very very exciting plus all the other exciting things life throws at us!

I finally got round to writing my 'birth plan' which just outlines your preferences for the birth. Mine doesn't really have much as you never really know what will happen but it gives a little idea of the kind of thing you are after. Mine states the following:

- ideally would like a water birth or be in water during contractions;
- would like Dan present through-out;
- I'll try and cope with just gas and air although I am not going to reject an epidural completely if I need it. It will depend on my pain threshold and how long the labour goes on for;
- Dan to cut the cord and tell us the sex of the baby;
- and the request to try and have a nice easy birth..... haha, easier said than done!

I do think I am mentally prepared for the birth now, the NCT classes really helped and I don't feel too worried or anxious about it all. It is a little scary not knowing what it will be like, when I will first go into labour, whether my waters will break or I will get 'the show' but that all adds to the excitement! Our NCT lady said to us, 'although we will be in ridiculous pain during the contractions just remember that each contractions is another step closer to meeting your baby!'. This is exactly what I will remember as it is so true!

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