Tuesday, 25 January 2011

40 week midwife appointment!

40.2 weeks

I rocked up to my midwife appointment, a little nervous as I knew I would be having my sweep done. I arrived only to be told by the midwife (different one to who I saw last week) that she didn't want to do a sweep until I was 41 weeks and therefore she would book me into St Helier for one on Saturday... SATURDAY!!! I was gutted, I just wanted to try and kick things off today and not have to wait at least another 4 days, but there was no budging her!

My blood pressure was fine, listened to baby heartbeat and then she told me that baby had moved up and was no where near engaged, 4/5 to be exact! I couldn't believe it, I was no where near having this baby and I was getting so impatient. I left the midwife, got home and just cried, phone Dan and cried then phoned mum and cried!! I'm not sure why I was so upset, I was only overdue by 2 days but it felt like a lifetime and just having no control over when he/she would arrive was so frustrating!

I relaxed for the rest of the day, I gave up on trying all the 'natural inducing labour tips' as I no longer believed in them and just watched TV, waiting for any sign that baby was on it's way!

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