Thursday, 27 January 2011
The birth!!
It all started on Wednesday 26 January at 1am. I woke to mild contractions and period pain. Nothing too bad but I couldn't really sleep through them. I woke Dan to let him know and just had a bath and tried to get some sleep, with little success really.
The morning came round and I said to Dan that he shouldn't go to work just in case. The contractions were manageable and quite irregular but I didn't want to be on my own. We were quite worried that I was experiencing the 'false labour contractions' as I had the last Friday so we decided not to tell anyone what was going on and just see what happens. We spent time on the internet seeing whether I was in labour and the signs we had were 'early labour' so we were just expecting things to get worse!
The contractions kept coming and going, some 4 mins apart, others 20 mins apart and there was no pattern to them at all. At times I had 1 hour free of nothing! We took a walk down to Wallington and I picked up a Subway sandwich, I got a couple of contractions whilst in the queue but they weren't painful I just had to find something to lean on and just ride the 60 seconds out.
We got home, watched some Entourage whilst bouncing on the ball and then ever so often running over to the armchair to bend over and lean on the arm to breathe through the contractions. Dan was fab, reminding me to breathe and rubbing a tennis ball onto my lower back. I found all my contraction pain was in my lower back and not in my tummy at all. Through out the day I went to the loo (number 2) about 6 times, I couldn't believe it but I had heard that your bowels empty just before labour begins.
At 6pm, we were ready to make dinner and I went to the toilet and had blood. Nothing huge but a bit of a clot and was bright red. I told Dan and we decided (well I was reluctant at first) to call the hospital just to see what they say. I spoke to them briefly to explain how I was feeling but then had to hand the phone back to Dan as another contraction came. They told us to come in immediately as I was bleeding and they needed to have a look.
We left the house with our hospital bags, giggling down the drive thinking that we would just be sent home because it was just more of the 'show' and I wasn't anywhere near being in labour! I had to go in the back of the car as I still needed to be on all fours. Good job the hospital was only 10 minute drive away, I had to deal with only 2 contractions in that time.
On arrival to the hospital at about 7pm, I was put on the bed and a doctor came in to do an internal. She inserted a tube (similar to a smear test) and said I was bleeding but they didn't know where from. They looked at baby's heart rate and it was averaging at 170 bmp (it should be 140-160). I then was told that I couldn't use the birth pool as baby and I needed to be monitored (I was gutted but glad I was in hospital).
A senior registrar came in about 8pm and checked to see how far dilated I was (Dan I were expecting 1-2cm), I was 5cm!!! I couldn't believe it, I got to 5cm all on my own! He then broke my waters which felt odd and a relief was the water gushed out. It was mixed with more blood and meconium (baby's poo), once this happened they knew the baby was distressed so had to put a heart monitor clip on babies head. All this 'internal work' didn't hurt really, I just had to breath through it all.
The clip was placed on and then the wire stuck to my leg. I had a contraction monitor on my tummy for me.
I was then able to get up and get back into my leaning on the bed position to get through each contractions. Dan was timing and they were every 2 mins and lasted for 1 min each. I was coping fine, just having to breathe through them. I think I shouted at Dan once as he was massaging my back (which early one was fine but at this stage made it more painful). Not to sound too rank but all through this I had blood and remaining waters dripping down my leg onto a towel below me. I really had gone past caring though and dignity was left at the door by this point!
I was left for about 2.5 hours going through this, I was thinking, 'do I want to try gas and air', but it really didn't appeal to me. At about 10.50pm Jenny (our midwife, who was about our age and lovely. She had delivered over 400 babies!) checked to see how far dilated I was. I was 6cm! At this point I just said, 'can I have an epidural please?'. I think Jenny was in a bit of shock as she said I was coping really well but she found the anesthetist who was free to administer it now or I could wait about 1-2 hours after he finished in surgery. I took the now option!! I was just so tired with the lack of sleep the night before, my legs were aching from standing up so much and I really couldn't manage the contractions lying on the bed. I just knew an epidural was the best option as I didn't know how long this would be going on for (so much for being taught at NCT that we should try it all naturally. You just take what you can at the time!). Dan called the parents and text a few friends to let them know that it was 'time' and said we would be in touch once the little bundle had arrived!
He came in at 11.10pm to read me the standard procedure 'warnings' spiel at which point another contractions came and I jumped up and sat right in front of him butt naked on the bottom half. It must have been a sight and a half but as I said before, dignity went out the window about 4 hours ago! I was just thinking, do the epidural, I don't care about what you are saying!!
I sat on the bed, leaning forward and he injected some local anaesthetic into my back. It hurt a little. I had to stay so still which was tough as the contractions kept coming. He then inserted the mega long needle and tube for the liquid. This procedure took about 10 mins then the liquid was put in and I lost feeling of the contractions after about a further 10 mins. By 11.30pm, I was able to sit back on the bed, have a cup of tea, eat some snacks and the whole room was just calm, I was even playing on my iphone. The lights were dimmed and we were then told to wait until I was fully dilated and now I could hear the music we had playing on the ipod speakers. In all this time, with no pain at all but still having the use of my legs (I could still move them and could still walk to the toilet at this point), I just couldn't feel the contractions at all. We just watched them on the screen next to me and as I touched my tummy I could feel it tightening up, crazy!
We were told to get some rest and Jenny would check dilation at about 3am. 2.50am came and Jenny did an internal, I was 9cm and baby's head was very low, past the cervix (but I was not able to push until 10cm as could damage my cervix). Jenny could feel hair and said the baby was moving around like crazy which wasn't anything to worry about but it was unusual as babies tend to be very still at this stage of labour (we obviously have an active little one!). She did a sweep to try and speed things up. Luckily with the epidural she could be very thorough and move it around a lot and I couldn't feel it. We got some sleep until 4am (poor Dan on a crappy plastic hospital chair which didn't recline!)
At 4.40am Jenny drained my bladder with a catheter (again, I couldn't feel a thing) and as there was so much urine she decided just to place one in there until baby was here.
She got the head registrar in again and I was 10cm but there was a slight bit of cervix left. My contractors had slowed down a little so they put me on a drip to speed things up again. At 5am we were told that the drip would be in place for 1 hour, then I would have to wait a further 2 hrs before I was allowed to start pushing, which can take about 1 hour. So realistically we weren't going to see baby until at least 8am which was when Jenny's shift would finish. We were gutted as that would mean new midwives would be delivering our baby (not ideal as we had got to know Jenny in this time and felt comfortable with her and the senior registrar). We were told to get some sleep as I needed the energy for pushing.
At 5.20am I woke up as I felt some slight pain in my side. I mentioned it to Jenny who was going to top my epidural up but I said no and I would just lie on my other side. As I lay for 5 mins on my other side Jenny immediately told me to roll back over as the baby's heart rate had shot up to 190bmp. I rolled back and she ran out to get someone. Next thing we know, we have about 6 people in the room, my legs were being put into stirrups and I was told that I had to push her out in 20 mins otherwise she may have to be cut out! At this point Dan woke up and we knew it was action stations!!!
The senior registrar was scrubbed up and everyone was running about getting stuff ready so Dan had to tie him up (so funny!). I then waited for the contractions and they told me to push. I hadn't got a clue where I was pushing, I could feel pressure below so I just pushed with all my might! I could get 3 pushes out of a minute contraction and it was so tiring. They just kept telling me to push harder and I just wanted to take a breath but wasn't allowed to. I was holding on to Dan's hand and squeezing so tightly. They then told me to hold me legs and put all my energy into it.
At this point I had about 3 contractions left and I were ready to go in with the ventouse (suction for baby's head). Another doctor was there ready with the scissors as they thought I would need to be cut. I just remember thinking, tearing is better than being cut, push harder Abby!
With one more contraction to go, which meant 3 more pushes, I could not feel the head crowning and knew exactly where to push. Dan had a good look (which I am proud of as seeing that is a lifetime experience and something you should embrace). The senior registrar was pulling the ventouse so hard and I was pushing so hard and next thing I feel is a release of pressure as baby's head comes out! Dan has a look and they ask if I want to feel, at which point I say, 'Err NO!' hehe!
One more push and the body slips out, this was a relatively easy push compared to the head. Dan said she comes out white and blue, they rub her down vigorously and place her straight onto my chest. It is a GIRL!!!!! A girl, we couldn't believe it!!!! Dan cut the cord. The pushing took 10 contractions in total. They couldn't believe that I didn't tear or need cutting, usually when delievering a baby so quickly a tear or a cut is definately needed. I guess as I was 'with it' as I couldn't feel the pain, when they told me to pant, I was able to pant and when they told me to push or breath I knew what to do. NCT classes really did pay off!
As our little baby girl lay in my arms, Dan and I are in shock. It was so overwhelming, we didn't cry which we expected we would but I think as the last 30 mins were quick and quite stressful, it was just a relief to have a healthy baby with us.
I was given an injection in my leg and 5 mins later I delivered the placenta. I didn't feel this at all but I must have had to push at some point. We had a good look at the placenta, which was massive and looked like a liver (I said brain to begin with, duh!) but not as rank as I thought, it just looked like an organ.
We were left for about 30mins-1 hour together as a family. Jenny came in to do all the measurements and tests. Our baby girl was born at exactly 6am on Thursday 27 January 2011, weighed 6lbs 15 oz, length 52cm and head diameter 32cm. She has very long legs, long fingers and toes. Lovely amount of brown hair (thank god it's not ginger) and is just perfect. She had a really bad bruise on the back of her head from the ventouse (looked like she had a Jewish skull cap on) and a few bruises and marks on her face. She was perfect.
Her little eyes were wide open and her eyes were so active, I was a little worried but Jenny said this was normal. She cried for a while but then settled down.
It was perfect, our little baby was finally here and it was a gorgeous baby girl!! We were so shocked to have a girl (we were adamant we were having a boy!)! We named her Sienna Grace Hawkes (it was that or maybe Eden Grace Hawkes) We even tossed a coin to decide, but Sienna was just perfect for her.
My whole labour experience was not what I anticipated. I didn't actually get to do anything that was on my birth plan so it really does prove that you have to just go with the flow and do what is best for you and the baby. Looking back, I am glad I took the epidural route as I would have been so exhausted without it and I don't think I would have been able to cope with the pain through out the whole time.
Dan was so supportive and I couldn't have done it without him. It really was an experience I will never forget and am so glad I have got to experience what a women is really put on this planet to do! (that was cheesy!).
Jenny, the registrars and doctors at St Helier were amazing and we couldn't have asked for more. I was the only person on the ward in labour (there were a couple others in early labour) but I had so many staff just dedicated to me. Jenny was in our room 24/7 from 10pm-6am and if she had to nip out someone else came in. It was a fantastic service and something I will remember forever.
Welcome to the world, our beautiful baby daughter, Sienna Grace Hawkes! xxxx
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
40 week midwife appointment!
I rocked up to my midwife appointment, a little nervous as I knew I would be having my sweep done. I arrived only to be told by the midwife (different one to who I saw last week) that she didn't want to do a sweep until I was 41 weeks and therefore she would book me into St Helier for one on Saturday... SATURDAY!!! I was gutted, I just wanted to try and kick things off today and not have to wait at least another 4 days, but there was no budging her!
My blood pressure was fine, listened to baby heartbeat and then she told me that baby had moved up and was no where near engaged, 4/5 to be exact! I couldn't believe it, I was no where near having this baby and I was getting so impatient. I left the midwife, got home and just cried, phone Dan and cried then phoned mum and cried!! I'm not sure why I was so upset, I was only overdue by 2 days but it felt like a lifetime and just having no control over when he/she would arrive was so frustrating!
I relaxed for the rest of the day, I gave up on trying all the 'natural inducing labour tips' as I no longer believed in them and just watched TV, waiting for any sign that baby was on it's way!
Saturday, 22 January 2011
1 more day till D-Day!
I woke at 3am on Friday morning (2 days before due day) and had my show, it was a relatively small amount but was adamant I knew what it was (mucus like with streaks of blood - nice!). I woke Dan up to tell him (which he loved) and got back into bed with a little tinge of excitement that things may be starting. About 30 mins later I woke again with sharp lower back pain, period pain and mild contractions, tightening of my tummy. I lay there for a while and noticed that they were coming every 5-7 mins. I could deal with the discomfort but couldn't sleep so I told Dan I was going downstairs to watch some tv and would wake him if it got worse.
From 3.30am till 6am, I watch a couple of episodes of The OC (hehe), had a cuppa and a bowl of cereal and timed the contractions. They weren't painful just very uncomfortable and I did have to use my breathing techniques through-out. I was timing on my cool iphone app. and they were coming every 7-10 mins and lasting for about 45 seconds. I was sure that this was the start of it, the pain in my lower back and then round to my tummy as the contraction hit was a sure sign of things to come. I was getting tired and by 6am the 'contractions' started to ease off so I went back up to bed but told Dan that he probably shouldn't go into work that day. We managed to get some sleep until about 8am when we woke and the 'contractions' had gone....
I continued the day with more 'show' appearing when I went to the loo and just random braxton hicks. I kept getting my lower back period pain like feeling but nothing more. I just took paracetamol and got on with the day, just waiting. I did check my hospital bag and repack and put the car seat in. Just in case!
All Dan's work colleagues kept sending messages wishing us luck and we (well I) just felt like idiots as we weren't having the baby just yet and it didn't seem likely that it would come anytime soon.
That night we got a takeaway curry to try and get things moving but the only baby like thing that happened in our house that night was me sleeping like one :0( I woke on Saturday morning (1 day before due date) after a great night sleep and only period pain to deal with!
I guess the baby will come when it's ready and there's nothing more I can do really. It's very frustrating as I just want things to start. It did make me realise that it's going to be quite scary when it actually happens and bloody painful but I'm ready for it and just want to get going!
So, agenda for today.... a long walk, staying active and remain positive, hopefully = baby Hawkes arrival!
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
For your eyes only ;0)
I wanted to take a few pics of me being pregnant as I'm sure I forget what my bump looked like once the little baby is here.
Not sure how I manged this but I think the shadow looks really cool in these photos! Huh, who needs a professional when you have a camera and something random to lean it against...
Wow, what a bump!
I just had to get my new stool into the pic! I bought this as Ardingly antiques fair last week.
I didn't think I would ever say this but I think I will miss my bump. The cushions at night time propping it up I won't miss though!
Have I enjoyed pregnancy.... I wanted to write down my actual experience and thoughts of pregnancy because give it a few months and I will completely forget about how I felt. I can actually say that I have had a pretty easy pregnancy and I have been very lucky. I've had the usual niggly aches and pains (especially over the last few weeks) but didn't suffer for morning sickness like some poor people do. I haven't gained much weight, I haven't had any pregnancy 'problems' with me or the baby so pretty much I am a lucky lucky lady. Would I do it again (writing this before the labour remember...) but yes, I think I would!
The final week (hopefully.....)
So, I have almost made it! I must admit I was expecting this baby to come early (up to 2 weeks), not sure why but I just had a feeling..... hmmm, got my feeling slightly wrong hey!
I am due on Sunday (5 days time), I keep wondering whether the baby will actually turn up by then or whether I am going to be one of these poor women who see their Due Date come and go.... I hope not!
Check out my monthly photos below that I have taken along the way. It's mad to see how much I have grown. I guess it wasn't until about 32+ weeks that I actually thought I had a bump and that I 'looked pregnant', silly really as I had a bump from earlier than that but I guess you see yourself differently and that was what I felt.
I am so lucky that I have kept the weight to my bump and not the rest of my body, crazy really considering I have done no exercise and have eaten so many cakes and chocolate. I hit the 11 stone mark this week, the heaviest I have ever been, was quite an achievement! Lets hope the weight doesn't stay put for long after the birth...
14 weeks
18 weeks
22 weeks
26 weeks
30 weeks
34 weeks (whoops, forgot to wear same t-shirt and face the right way...)
39 weeks
I had my 39 week midwife appointment today and I was hoping they would let me have a membrane sweep. I asked but they won't give them until over due date so they have booked me in for one in a weeks time. The midwife, who was very firm but lovely said that she hopes I won't be at that appointment as the baby is in a good position and pretty much ready to come, woo hoo!! The baby is 2/5 engaged (1/5 is ready for action and I was 3/5 two weeks ago), it can move but hopefully it is ready soon. She told me to keep active, eat curry to keep the bowels moving and have sex (hmmm, 39 weeks pregnant and attempting to feel sexy.....).
She had a good feel around and said she could feel the babies cheeks (ahhh!) and it was crazy as she was feeling right down into my pelvis, I just can't imagine it fitting all the way down there. She also asked whether we knew the sex and after I said no, she said she definitely knew from hearing the heartbeat. Obviously she never told me but it would be interesting to see whether she was right!
I go to bed each night thinking, ohh I wonder whether tonight is the night. Then wake in the morning (after several toilet stops and tossing and turning through out the night) to a little disappointment that I have another day to go... I have been having slight period pain, some days worse than others but apparently this is a good sign and each cramp and pain before is one less contractions during labour.
I really hope baby comes before Sunday!!!! Please baby come soon, mummy wants her body back and is desperate to meet her little son or daughter ;0)
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Baby Shower!!
The lovely Vic organised a great baby shower for me and bump. It was an afternoon tea at my house. Mum and Frances made the cakes (with one I bought from Borough Market) and they were so yummy, especially accompanied with cups of tea and pink fizz!
Check out all these yummy cakes, I obviously had a slice of everything... well the baby wanted it....
Look at my big bump - it is growing by the day! Can it really stretch anymore. Check out my 'chicken legs' too. A big bump and little legs, hehe!
My mummy and me!
Soon to be Auntie Vic and me!
After a few games, which Vic and Morwenna organised we got down to the pressies! I can't believe how generous everyone was, I am a lucky girl! I got lots of little baby grows, blankets, dinky hats and booties, baby's first money box, a gorgeous Liberty cushion for me (thanx Ming!) and lots and lots of other goodies. I don't feel the photo does enough justice to all the lovely gifts.
It is hard when you don't know the sex of the baby but I love babies in white clothes they just looks so crisp and clean, very cute!
I can't wait for the baby to come along and I can dress it all up it's lovely clothes and wrap it up for cuddles. I hope it sleeps well and it should do in all it's nice new sleep bags etc!
Thank you to everyone who came, it was the perfect afternoon and I had such a lovely time. Glad we rescheduled it from last time as I am so happy mum was able to get down for it too!
So, baby shower done and two weeks to go (or 4 if we are overdue......!). I am going to begin my relaxing time now, a few lie in's, some box set watching (I've never seen The OC so may get started on that!) and just wait for baby to arrive. Of course I will continue with the 'natural inducing methods' to at least help it on it's little way!! ;0)
Thursday, 6 January 2011
HELP, get this baby out......
OMG, OMG, OMG, I have had enough and I want this little baby out!! When they say that the last few weeks are the hardest they weren't telling porkies! I have to say the last week has been miserable (and I do try not to moan too much!).
I feel I live in the bath! I have one every night as it is the only place I can seem to get comfy and the baby stops moving and I just feel so light! The nights are the hardest.... my baby seems to move around so much now, a kick in the ribs, a ripple all over the belly, an elbow out here and there and it's so heavy!! All this tends to start from 8pm until the next morning, during the day, even when I'm relaxing the baby is happy to sleep and stay in a nice belly position. I now sleep with a pillow under my back, one under my belly and now one between my legs. Poor Dan has no room and all I do is toss and turn through out the night, attempting to get comfy or needing the loo (again!).
I have learnt that if I stop drinking liquids from about 9pm I don't get up for the loo as much so have been doing that for the last couple of nights and it's been better! The tossing and turning though is here to stay I think. I find that I get such sore hips and sharp shooting pains into my vagina. I've read up on it and it's just the baby making it's way and my pelvis etc softening ready for the birth! I sometimes wake up and move my body to get out of bed (which is never as easy as it use to be, I actually look like a beach whale!) and I just hear this massive click, which is my hips popping into place, it's rank but doesn't hurt too much!
When I wake up at night I keep thinking, 'oh, is this is, is it a contractions?!?!' then I realise that nope, no contractions just yet. Same in the morning, I wake up and think, nope didn't happen that night (here I am assuming that I will go into labour during the night!).
I think the hardest thing is not actually knowing when the baby will arrive. I think I would be getting through it better if I knew that on 23 Jan I would go into labour but with the excitement going through your mind that it may come earlier makes me all more impatient!
I take each day as it comes and I have my next midwife appointment at 39.2 weeks (next week) so the baby should hopefully be looking like it will be coming soon. I think I'm going to ask for a Membrane Sweep at that appointment too. It is a natural way of inducement, the midwife gentle sweeps around to loosen the membrane from the cervix, it's suppose to be uncomfortable but doesn't hurt (I don't think anything will be as bad as labour so it should be ok!). Some midwives are happy to do it from 38 weeks, others prefer to wait until overdue. Again it doesn't always work and some women need it done several times however if it does work it can bring on labour within 48-72 hours. We will see, hopefully the baby will be 'dropped' and engaged by then so will be here quickly.
We went to view the Birth Centre and Labour unit at St Helier. I kind of knew where it all was but it was good for Dan to see how to get there and where to park etc. The birthing centre rooms with the water births look really nice. A lovely big bath, a sofa type bed, bean bags, mood lighting, ipod docking station, all lovely! I am hoping to be able to get one of these rooms but it is on a first come first served basis so hopefully they won't be busy when baby Hawkes decides to arrive. Also, you can't use the birth centre if there are any complications so again another reason to avoid going overdue as I can't use it if I have been induced! We didn't get to see a labour room as they were all being used but I can imagine they just look like a hospital room.
I have my heart set on a water birth as I just know it will work for me and relax me more. I will be so gutted if it doesn't work out that way. But, as long as me and the baby are safe and healthy however it happens will be fine.
I went into London to meet Vic for lunch, had a walk round Borough Market (to collect baby shower cake), up to St Pauls and back again. I was knackered and actually felt the baby was going to drop out there and then! It was a bit of a wake up call that I need to rest my body a lot more and I can't run around like I am use too. I had to waddle so slowly and it also didn't help when the heavens opened and the rain came (good old England!). I did kind of hope that the long walk will help the baby along but nope!
I have also started taking Raspberry Leaf tablets, these are suppose to help soften cervix ready for labour. They advise you don't start taking them until at least 28 weeks so I'm ok. I also bought online some oil for the bath and to burn, it was recommended by Morwenna and gain suppose to help labour. It contains Clary Sage which is a natural herb which helps inducement. All of these things should help! It's called Natalia Labour Ease and I actually have some burning in my oil burner right now!
In the last part of this post, I just want to say a big thank you to my gorgeous hubby! Over the last week or so (and weeks to come no doubt) I'm sure I have not been the best to be around. I moan about feeling tired, heavy and just exhausted. I toss and turn all night and wake him up all the time and he has to get up at 6am to get to work but, he has still not made his way to the spare room to get that 'good night sleep'. I think I probably worry him when I get up at night as he thinks the contractions have started. I love him so much and can't wait for us to be a little family and to bring our baby home. Thanks for all the support Dan, I couldn't wish for anything better. Love you!
Right, corny bit over, back to me.... time for cake and a cuppa I think ;0) xx
Saturday, 1 January 2011
The Baby Poem
Baby Poem
I am a very little person, I am completely surrounded and supported,
Nourished, warmed and cushioned swimming in a warm sea.
I am one with my Mother, at one with my newness.
Feeling, hearing a heart beating,
Blood rhythmically surging around me,
Feeling safe and warm.
I am one with my Mother’s feelings,
I feel it too when she is angry, sad, lonely, happy.
With my Mother I experience other people,
Hear their muffled sounds, feel their touch,
I know my Father’s voice,
I am very small, surrounded by a supporting,
Nourishing, vast loving universe.
As I steadily grow, my limbs stretch and flex
Against the soft boundaries of my world and my back is
Caressed, then gradually my space becomes crowded.
I curl up, curl up into a ball,
I feel confined, cramped, I long to stretch, to be free.
Then dawning joy.
Rhythmical pulsations press me and caress my skin,
Becoming stronger, I start moving down a narrow tunnel,
Strong emotions and sensations urge through me.
It’s time to be born, time to leave the warm womb.
Time to experience my new life.
The strong pressure eases as I emerge, I am free.
I open my mouth. I cry once, then again.
As air fills my lungs I breathe strongly.
Gentle hands lift me onto my Mother’s smooth skin
We lie tummy to tummy
I feel her warmth, I hear the familiar rhythm of her heartbeat.
My Father looks into my eyes, strokes my head, my back.
Warm food flows into my mouth as I suckle.
Then I feel stroking on my head and body, my back, my limbs.
My cord is cut, ending links with the womb,
Yet I feel safe with our new bond already strong.
Our energies merge on a flow of love
As we look at each other, as I hear their voices
And respond to their touch, their smell, their faces
Here close to my parents, I feel safe, nourished, warm. I belong – I am.