Friday, 5 November 2010

Routine blood tests & unexpected leg scan!

28.5 weeks

I went along to St Helier for my 28 week blood test and to have my Anti-D injection. I have to have the Anti-D because my blood group is RhD Negative. As we don't know the blood group of the baby yet, to avoid any antibodies forming and causing problems for me and baby, I am given the injection just in case. Once the baby is born, it's blood will be tested and if it's also RhD Neg then nothing else will need to be done, however if it is RhD Positive, I would need another injection to avoid any problems in further pregnancies (how do they know all this stuff?!?!).

Anyway, the blood tests were fine but the Anti-D actually hurt quite a lot (I am such a wimp!).

Whilst I was there I mentioned to the midwife that I have been suffering from leg cramp and a couple of days ago I woke to awful cramp and I haven't been able to get rid of it and it hurts when I put pressure on my left leg. From asking this one simple question, I was put on the bed, leg measured (which was swollen by 2 cm, 32 cm compared to 30 on the right leg), blood pressure taken, temperature taken and also a doctor having a good look around, I get told that because I am pregnant there is a higher risk of blood clots so I best have a ultrasound done just in case! I was in shock, I thought it was just a pulled muscle and there I was waiting for a blood clot scan, yikes! The good thing about being pregnant is that they rushed me through to the front of the waiting list, gave me the scan and all was ok, no sign of thrombrosis. I had to wait for the doctor to sign me out (I was at the hospital from 8.30am - 12.30pm and needed to get home for the Tesco delivery man) and they confirmed that I had just probably pulled a muscle as I woke up with the cramp. It still really hurts mind and I can't walk on it properly but hopefully should get back to normal in a couple of days.

The cramp still comes when I wake up every morning though and hurts sooooo much! After speaking to Ming, Emma and other pregnant ladies it's apparently very common, it's just a shame it hurts so much!

I don't know, between Dan and I we could film an episode of Casulty in our household

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