Saturday, 13 November 2010

3D Scan - Second time lucky

30 weeks

Dan was busy with work (at the rugby) so couldn't come along to this scan, so I asked Dan's mum as I knew she would really like to come and would be a great support. I was fairly confident that this time would be more successful as I have felt the baby move a lot more of the past couple of weeks.

We arrived and I jumped on the bed. Up popped the baby on the screen and what a surprise.... it was in the same position, with legs tucked up by it's head! Our baby is so flexible :0) It was much more successful than last time as we could see a little movement and could actually see it's facial features. At one point it poked itself in it's eye, hehehe, silly thing! We got our DVD and I was very happy with the results. Still a little shame that it wasn't in a better position but lovely to have the scan and see little baby Hawkes again. I think Frances loved it too. She commented that it is amazing how things have developed since she was pregnant. It is mad to think that in 30 years so much has changed and it just makes you wonder what will be the 'norm' when my little baby has a baby of their own (now that's a scary thought!). We had a DVD for it too, which is so cool to watch but I can't seem to upload it onto here properly.... I will see whether hubby can help! It will be so cool when our baby is older and he/she can watch themself from when they were still in my tummy!

I had another midwife appointment which went well although there was a training midwife also present and she had a few problems finding my baby, hmmm.... I think she needs just a little more training! Once baby was found, it was STILL in breach position (head up, legs down), she said this was ok as the baby still has plenty of time to move. I hope it moves down by about 34 weeks as it's going to run out of room to maneuver and I want to avoid the dreaded ECT (external cephalic version) which apparently is very painful (a process by which the midwife uses her hands on the abdomen to try to turn the baby) or even at worst.... a cesarean! I am sure I will fine, plenty of time!

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