The bump is certainly growing! Looking back at my bump photos over the last month and it has grown so much! Taking bump pics is an absolute must for any pregnant lady!
All is going well this week. Dan and I threw a housewarming/firework party over the weekend. We had about 18 people come and it was such good fun. We just did a big chilli con carni and a curry and it was just help yourself.
The fireworks were brilliant, we managed to get a few 'off the back of a lorry' through Dan's friend Emma at work (instead of £200 we got them for £60) and also a couple from Lidls. Dan had the fireworks set up like a proper display, all round the garden, catherine wheels on the tree, in flower pots, he had it organised very well! I could see he loved it! The best firework of the night was the finale, a £12 one from Lidls, it went on for ages, had so many different bits flying out of it, amazing!
The night was a success and we now realise that our house is fab for parties, large living room, wooden floors to deal with beer spillage. I'm just looking forward to holding a Summer BBQ! I managed to hold out until quite late into the evening, 2am actually! It's nice that the tiredness hasn't kicked in just yet, hopefully it will stay that way for another few weeks.
Here are a few pics of the night.
The baby is still moving around a lot, which is great. It does seem to get itself into uncomfortable positions, well for me anyway! I am starting to be able to feel certain bits of the baby through my skin, not that I can work out whether it's a head, bum, hand or foot but it's something!
I have also begun getting the infamous brown line down the tummy (I thought I got away with that one!). It's called the Linea Nigra and is due to hormonal changes which effects the skins pigmentation. It's still very faint but it's there! It comes down from the top of my tummy, past my belly button then down to my knicker line. Apparently it goes away soon after birth so that's cool, just another side effect of pregnancy hey!
I was reading something the other day saying that babies born at this stage have a 90% chance of surviving! I couldn't believe that if I was to go into labour now the baby would have a chance of living. It's mad to think because my tummy still feels so small to hold a baby and I can't even imagine giving birth just yet. I want that baby in there growing for as long as possible (well, not too long, by 23 Jan 2011 will be long enough!).
I can't wait to meet our little baby, just under 11 weeks to go!
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