Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The story of how it FINALLY happened

Now, when you decide you want and are ready for a baby, you just want one now and DO NOT want to wait!!! In reality it is never going to happen that way! Dan and I decided to stop using contraception in February (much to Dan's objections as he didn't want a sleepy, hormonal bride but mostly because he wanted a drinking buddy on our honeymoon!) but we decided to just see 'what happens'.... anyway, lets just say, with the stress of organising the wedding, the lack of time to even think about trying for a baby it was unlikely to ever happen! Looking back, I'm quite glad I didn't fall pregnant before the wedding or honeymoon as I had the best time and to be honest knowing what I know now about how I would feel in the first few weeks, I would have hated to have felt like that during the 'wedding times'!

I already have an app. downloaded iphone which I have used in the past to log my period dates and it also has a ovulating setting too. Along came the honeymoon and doing what all newly-weds should be doing on their honeymoon I felt quite excited and confident about the result! On the last day of honeymoon disappointment struck and yep, along came my period.... damn! Although, you know deep down that it can take the healthiest of people months to conceive, you always think it will happen straight away! Of course, it doesn't always happen!

After getting back from honeymoon, it's safe to say that I became a little obsessed about ovulating - reading about the best time to 'do it' and what can be done to help make it happen. I kept having this horrible thought that it could take months and I knew that it wasn't healthy to be 'obsessed' about it all. Anyway, whilst reading many chat room sites, a lot of people were talking about Ovulation Sticks and I thought, hey it can't do any harm in trying them, I'll pick some up! They are brilliant, you pee on the stick when your period has finished and you get a smiley face when it's the best time to conceive. You have only 48 hours from the smiley face before you would have to wait until the following month. Easier said than done when I have a husband who stays away a lot for work and yep, you guessed it, when I got the smiley face, he was bloody away!!! We managed to get one opportunity in this time and guess what.... BINGO!!! I never got my next period so the rest is history! Conception date circa 3 May 2010.

I would definitely recommend these sticks for anyone trying to get pregnant because it gives you the exact time to try and then at least you know you are getting the best opportunity! Oh, by the way... I have 18 spare tests left if anyone wants them ;0)

I feel so lucky and blessed that it happened so quickly for us and I just wish it was the same for everyone who wants a baby!

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