Sunday, 23 May 2010

May - Symptoms

Why is it, you finally find out you are pregnant and then the symptoms begin. Here is what I am experiencing so far.....

- Always, always need the loo. And when I say always, I mean always, like twice in 1 hour!!!
- Very sore boobs. I couldn't even put the shower water on them without being in pain.
- Eating lots - although I think a lot of this was just in my mind so I can just scoff my face ;0)
- lots of gas in my tummy, not good when sat at work all day.
- stomach cramps, like period pain but in one side. They have disappeared now.

Back to food.... As you know, I love my alcohol, seafood, cheese, sushi and all of which are a no no during pregnancy!!! This makes my life very difficult especially considering most of my lunches and dinners consist of prawns. I love a glass of rose in the evening at the weekend and don't even get my started on my homemade cocktails (learnt from honeymoon!) Oh and gorgonzola, that is also a no no's! Damn it! My whole eating plan will have to change....
p.s. I think I may keep eating prawns though (I read that as long as they are not off and cooked then I will be fine. Enough said!)

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