Wednesday, 2 June 2010

NHS are useless!

Week 7
2 June 2010

I told a girl at work yesterday which was hard as her and her boyfriend are having difficulty conceiving. She is off on holiday so I was keen to tell her asap as I knew it would be hard for her to hear. I hope I have been as supportive as I could be over the last few months and I hope she is happy for me but I understood that deep down she is going to resent the fact that it happened so quickly with us! The conversation went better than expected but I know it was hard for her to hear. I hope over time it becomes easier and I can openly speak about the excitment I am feeling at work. Only time will tell.... I hope she also gets pregnant soon!

My GP appointment...... I was so excited about this as I wasn't sure what to expect but it was the time for someone professional to confirm the news. It didn't exactly happen like that... I said I was pregnant, I was asked the due date, was given a leaflet and asked which hospital I wanted to go to. WHAT?!?!? I don't know, you're the doctor, you tell me!! She said my due date was 27 Jan 2011 and said she would write to Mayday Hospital and if I had any other questions just look it up online. I was sent away with a leaflet of info and told to wait for a letter from the hospital. hmmmm... felt very deflated!

I thought she would do a blood test, test my urine or at least take my blood pressue to confirm. So yep, you guessed it, I got home and did another test... just to check that I was actually still pregnant!!!!

The following day I called St Helier hospital and they have a walk in Early Pregnancy Unit where you can get a dating scan. I decided that I would just head there next week just to get it all confirmed properly. It's funny, you find out your pregnant and you just want everything to move so quickly but in reality doctors etc won't offer any support/appointments etc until you reach the 12 week mark. Frustrating but understandable as so many miscarriages occur in this time :0(

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love how you keep on checking just to make sure! I think thats completely normal. but very funny.
