Thursday, 17 June 2010

Dating Scan

Week 8
17 June 2010

As I was unsure about the exact date of my pregnancy and also because I couldn't wait until the 12 week scan.... St Helier hospital operate a Early Pregnancy Unit where you can book in for a early dating scan.

I called up and they said I could just turn up and be seen, so Dan and I went along only to be told that an appointment had to be made (mixed messages again, what a surprise from the NHS). They said they had a cancellation so could see me at 10.30am. Dan had to get to work as he had a meeting so I said I would do the scan on my own.

The scan was so cool (although not much to see). It just looked like a little 'Tiffany & Co' Bean (so cute).

They confirmed my due date of 23 January 2011! They let me take a scan picture home (although not suppose to!) but wanted to show Dan. It's our little baby bean! :0)

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