Saturday, 5 June 2010

Helen's Hen Do - Sambuca baby!

5 June 2010

I was travelling up to Oxford for Helen's hen do on the Saturday morning which was a shame as I would have liked to go up on the Friday night with everyone else but I needed to avoid the alcohol and as no one there knows, it was easier blagging for one night but not for two!

Fab fab fab weekend and I wasn't even drinking! It was Pimms all round so I had a some and then just kept topping up with extra lemonade so make it look like I was keeping up!

I told Zoe this weekend (I lasted about 30 mins after arriving) as I needed a buddy to help me through the avoiding drinking and also I knew I could trust her as she has been through the same when pregnant with Iyla. She was so happy to get a fellow baby buddy and it was so cool to hear her pregnancy stories. It was now that I found out about her blog and hence why I started mine! Fab idea Zo, thanks!

Back to Sambuca baby.... we were playing Mr & Mrs and if Helen got the question right the person asking the question got the shot, if she got it wrong she did the shot. I swapped my question with Zoe as she had a harder question and Helen bloody got it right!!!! With a guess as well!! So down the hatch went the Sambuca, sorry little baby!!! Needless to say I hid in the house when the next shot was going round!

Helen was funny as after she had knocked back about 6 Sambucas (good going girl) she went on about telling everyone that she would SO know when I was preggers and she could guess straight away.... hehe, how wrong could she be this time!! I so wanted to tell her but had to wait to the right time!!

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