Thursday, 24 February 2011

1st month with our beautiful little lady

We had a friend come round to take some photos of us and Sienna (we needed someone with a fancy camera rather than our rubbish iphone photos!).

Sienna was not camera shy at all, staying awake through out the whole thing. I think we got some adorable ones! Alex (the photographer) is going to come back and take some more when she is slightly older which will be fab. She will change so much in such a short space of time!

We have started giving Sienna a bath each evening when Dan gets home from work. She hated her first two baths, screaming the place down but now she absolutely loves it. It is a nice time for Sienna and Dan to have some Daddy time too. He always baths her and it's so cute!

Although it is probably wind at this stage but I swear she has started to smile a little (a very little). Especially when she is in the bath, her little eyes light up and lips create a tiny little smile. I am sure she will be smiling properly in no time!
My mum came down to stay for a week which was fab! She was so helpful with Sienna and loved every minute of it. It was so nice to spend time with mum properly and also fantastic to be able to wake up and have mum there to take Sienna for her morning feed after I was up in the night doing her night one.
That has been a little tough, with Dan being back at work and all I find I am doing is changing nappies and feeding. Sienna tends to take 1hr or so to feed, wind etc so by the time she has fed, you changed her nappy etc. She has a little nap and then it's all go again, crazy! I shouldn't complain mind because she is still feeding every 3 hours whereas many breast-feeding mums have to feed every 2 hrs!
This week Nana Hawkes has been on half term so Sienna has been spending some time with her which is fab. It gives me some time to myself, sort the house out (which I can't believe I don't get time to do, a baby takes up so much time even when they sleep so much) but also is lovely for Frances to spend some time with her too. It is so great to have grandparents around and especially so close for babysitting duties!
Little Sienna does have a tendency to fall asleep and stay asleep, sometimes going 5-6 hours without a feed. I wake her up sometimes but as I have always been told, 'NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!' and I kind of figure, she will wake up when she is hungry. The system works for us so I'm sticking with it! She only falls asleep after 1oz if I wake her anyway!
Her sleeping is still very good, although mainly having her long sleep from 8pm - 3am so I am trying to wake her for a small feed at 11ish so she takes that long sleep after and hopefully learns to sleep through the night at some point.
It is such a minefield of what to do with babies, how to get them into a routine, which book/guide to read. It's crazy but I guess it will be like this with the first baby, once we have another one we will be more experienced.
She is becoming more and more alert each day. Today she lay on her playmat for 10 mins without crying, then 10 mins in her bouncy chair without crying! It's nice that she is becoming more awake, it will be so adorable when she starts responding more, I guess that will happen after month 2!
So, little Sienna has been with us for a month now, it feels a lot longer than that, I guess because I am with her 24/7 but she is adorable and such a good little girl, except for some moments but as I said before, we can't complain because so far she has been as good as gold (I hope I haven't spoken too soon!).
Dummy time - yep, we gave in and the dummy came out after 3.5 weeks! We felt like naughty school kids but one evening when she wasn't settling and we had done everything, the dummy popped in and she was quiet and out like a light! I knew she would love a dummy as she is a very sucky baby. A lot of the time when I feed her she is sucking for ages and I look at the bottle and she hasn't take any!!!! I think she just likes the calming feeling. The following day after the dummy was introduced, I felt so ill and had to have a bath to warm up. Dan wasn't back from work and the previous day we had discussed that we would only use the dummy in extreme circumstances, well my bath was one of those.... the moment I slipped in the bath, Sienna starts screaming so what did I do.... I slipped the dummy right in her little mouth = a lovely relaxing bath for mummy! My aim is for us to say goodbye to the dummy before the end of the year, if not sooner, so watch this space....

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