Friday, 10 December 2010

Finished Work - 10 December 2010!!!

34 weeks
My time has finally come!!!!! I finished work today, woo hoo!!!!!

It got to the stage (especially when the snow hit last week) that I was really struggling with the commute in. The walk from Victoria to the office was such a struggle (usually takes 20 mins and was now taking me 25-30mins). I was actually getting to the office and feeling like I was about to give birth, the baby was not happy!

I am finishing 6 weeks before D-Day although with Christmas in 2 weeks, I have lots to buy and sort out, then Christmas and New Year and before you know it, it will be 2 weeks until baby day (if it comes on due date that is!). Apparently only 5% of babies come on their due date, so I doubt ours will either! I do keep thinking that I will wake up on 23 Jan and the contractions will begin....

Sleeping is becoming more and more annoying! It did use to be my favourite time of the day, tucking into bed but now, although I can get to sleep easily, I end up walking at least twice a night for the toilet or my hips hurt. I have two pillows in with me, one under the bump and behind my back, they help but when I wake in the night it takes me some time to get up as my hips or pelvis kill like hell! The joys of pregnancy hey! I have another 6 weeks of this!
The baby has moved up, I can regularly feel its kicks right under my boobs which is a weird feeling, quite uncomfortable really but again nice in a way. Apparently the baby will kick less in the next weeks as it has less and less room to move about. We will see....

Work got me two presents, a calender to mark all the babies 'milestones', sucking thumb, smiling etc and they also got me a baby grow with a Star Wars slogan on the front..... very kind of them and I don't want to come across ungrateful but it was a very odd present?!? I would have just preferred Mama and Papa vouchers really. Neither presents were really 'me'! Oh well.....

We had our 'annual' Christmas dinner tonight too. Dan and I organised it in the private room at the Avalon, Clapham. There was about 18 of us and was such good good. We all had to do a secret santa and it had to be something to wear, some were very funny!

Even some celebs showed up... Lady Gaga, Alan Carr, Cheryl Cole, Simon Cowell, Beyonce & good old Boris!

This type of photo could start rumours for poor Cheryl Cole..... this was my secret santa gift to Robin, celebrity face masks!
Lovely pic of the current yummy mummy and soon to be yummy mummy Zoe and Helen (Helen is about 22 weeks pregnant and glowing!).

With not drinking I coped quite well. I was wide awake until about 1.00am and then the tiredness hit and it was time for my bedtime. We had our whole day antenatal class the following day and when I saw Dan knocking back his sambuca and lighting the flame in his mouth I knew it was time to head home. I could imagine a hangover and a birthing class do not mix.... and I was right! Poor hubby ;0)

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