Saturday, 30 October 2010

4D Scan!!!

27.6 weeks

Dan and I made a decision that we wanted to have a 4D scan done. We had to go to a private clinic and there was a local one in Banstead. It cost us £140 but I did quite a bit of research on it and the reviews were fab.
One of the other reasons was, when we were for our 20 week scan, baby Hawkes wasn't co-operating so we didn't get to see much. This was an opportunity for us to see him/her again and much clearer and also moving in a 3D image. We couldn't wait!!

Here are the pics.... amazing!!! However, as we expected, of course our little baby wasn't co-operating....

Dan and I arrive at the clinic, get welcomed with a nice cup of tea (I could get use to this private clinics!). Up we go and I lie on the bed waiting for our gorgeous baby to pop up on the screen. There is it....... asleep with it's legs tucked up and with it's feet in it's face!!! We can't see a thing, oh there's an eye... nope it's a toe... The lady was prodding and poking, I was moving and jumping in every attempt to wake the baby up! After a good attempt but with little success she told me to take a walk, have a caffeine drink and a bar of chocolate, 'that should wake baby up for sure', she said! After doing all that, again jumping up and down, running and skipping (honestly I was knackered) I returned 40 mins later, lay on the bed and yep, you guessed it, still asleep!!! STILL ASLEEP, after all that! Not one little movement just very happy having a little nap in mummy's tummy! She poked a bit more and then decided that the baby was not going to wake up so told us to come back in a couple of weeks. I was so gutted! I was desperate to see our little baby move about but the tired little stubborn monkey just wasn't co-operating! I am starting to see a theme here with all our scans, I think our baby is camera shy!

You will see from the pics though that the whole image is pretty amazing and it was incredible seeing our baby so clearly rather than the grainy b&w image you usually get. I would definitely recommend it and I look forward going again in a couple of weeks. I will make sure I do all I can to get the baby to wake up though before the scan, I will get internet researching for techniques!
My maternity cover at work - I finally found a lovely girl to cover my maternity leave, she was due to start on 15 Nov but has now accepted a perm offer elsewhere!!! How annoying, so now we are back to square one and looking again.! It is doing my head in a little as no one in the office (mentioning no names!) is making any effort to actually find someone when she will be the one having to pick up on my stuff if we don't get someone in time! Although I'm keen to get someone good to look after my work whilst I am away, I don't really care now and just want anyone to come in. They can just deal with it all when I leave on 10 December!! woo hoo!!! Countdown to my year off has begun!

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