Saturday, 30 October 2010

4D Scan!!!

27.6 weeks

Dan and I made a decision that we wanted to have a 4D scan done. We had to go to a private clinic and there was a local one in Banstead. It cost us £140 but I did quite a bit of research on it and the reviews were fab.
One of the other reasons was, when we were for our 20 week scan, baby Hawkes wasn't co-operating so we didn't get to see much. This was an opportunity for us to see him/her again and much clearer and also moving in a 3D image. We couldn't wait!!

Here are the pics.... amazing!!! However, as we expected, of course our little baby wasn't co-operating....

Dan and I arrive at the clinic, get welcomed with a nice cup of tea (I could get use to this private clinics!). Up we go and I lie on the bed waiting for our gorgeous baby to pop up on the screen. There is it....... asleep with it's legs tucked up and with it's feet in it's face!!! We can't see a thing, oh there's an eye... nope it's a toe... The lady was prodding and poking, I was moving and jumping in every attempt to wake the baby up! After a good attempt but with little success she told me to take a walk, have a caffeine drink and a bar of chocolate, 'that should wake baby up for sure', she said! After doing all that, again jumping up and down, running and skipping (honestly I was knackered) I returned 40 mins later, lay on the bed and yep, you guessed it, still asleep!!! STILL ASLEEP, after all that! Not one little movement just very happy having a little nap in mummy's tummy! She poked a bit more and then decided that the baby was not going to wake up so told us to come back in a couple of weeks. I was so gutted! I was desperate to see our little baby move about but the tired little stubborn monkey just wasn't co-operating! I am starting to see a theme here with all our scans, I think our baby is camera shy!

You will see from the pics though that the whole image is pretty amazing and it was incredible seeing our baby so clearly rather than the grainy b&w image you usually get. I would definitely recommend it and I look forward going again in a couple of weeks. I will make sure I do all I can to get the baby to wake up though before the scan, I will get internet researching for techniques!
My maternity cover at work - I finally found a lovely girl to cover my maternity leave, she was due to start on 15 Nov but has now accepted a perm offer elsewhere!!! How annoying, so now we are back to square one and looking again.! It is doing my head in a little as no one in the office (mentioning no names!) is making any effort to actually find someone when she will be the one having to pick up on my stuff if we don't get someone in time! Although I'm keen to get someone good to look after my work whilst I am away, I don't really care now and just want anyone to come in. They can just deal with it all when I leave on 10 December!! woo hoo!!! Countdown to my year off has begun!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Midwife Appointment & Dan's poorly back!

26 weeks

I went along for my midwife appointment and this was the first session that the midwife felt for the baby and knew which position it was lying in! It was very exciting and she found the position within like 5 seconds (amazing!). The baby was lying in 'breech' position, so head in my ribs, bottom down under my belly button and legs out to the right hand side. It's ok as the baby will move around so much hopefully it won't be in breech when it decides to come out.

I got given my MatB1 (finally), this is a certificate I have to give to work to prove that I am having a baby (I think they would know I'm not faking it by now...) and she also gave me the forms to complete for my £190 government pregnancy grant. Cool hey, I get £190 for just having a baby, free money, won't complain! All was good at the appointment, good measurement around the belly (the belly in cm should measure the same as the weeks I am pregnant) and baby heart-beat all good too!

Pregnancy is still going very well so I can't complain. I actually feel like I am having the text book pregnancy. If I didn't have my ever increasing bump I wouldn't feel pregnant at all. I have been suffering from leg cramps though, mainly at night in bed but also when I am trying to put on socks or shoes, I get it in my toes, ouch!! They don't know what is the cause of cramps so I'm afraid I just have to deal with them.

I have had a lot of craving for milk. Lovely ice cold milk, either on cereal or straight in a glass, yummy! I tend to have a glass when I get to work (colleagues find it very funny) or when I feel really thirsty! I did actually read that leg cramps can be caused by lack of Calcium so maybe it's my bodies way of getting more calcium inside me!

I have been sleeping with cushions under my bump and between my legs, it helps get comfy but I still wake up a couple of times in the night, either to get comfy or need a wee!

Dan hurt his back this week too, poor hubby! He has been having a few problems for a while and then the other day I got back from work and he was just lying out flat on the lounge floor, he couldn't move! It was awful and horrible to see him in pain. He has been pretty much bed ridden for a week and having to lie on the floor or at least keep moving about every 10 mins. He went for a x-ray so hopefully the results will come back positive rather some major problems. It has been a bit of a role reversal though, me, 6 months preggers has been standing on tables changing light bulbs, running around getting stuff for hubby and to top it off our cooker broke too so it really is none stop in our house! Trying to take it easy though and relax when I can as I feel the exhaustion setting back in with hitting the 3rd trimester!

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Baby Show Outing

26.6 weeks

Helen, Zoe, Iyla and I headed off to Earls Court baby show! It was really the first opportunity to do a bit of baby shopping! The show was really well organised, very child friendly (not surprising) but not as stressful as other shows I have been too!

The show was great, babies everywhere, demonstrations of pushchairs and all the big baby brands. The prices were discounted so I bought a few bits but I guess with the price of the ticket included it probably added up to the same.

I picked up:
Baby bath support
Electric steriliser
Moses basket sheets
Cot bumper set and quilt
Breast pump (which came free with a magazine subscription!)
Dummy holder clips

Not too many things but it was so nice to have a girlie, baby day! I'm glad I went with the girls rather than dragging Dan along, I think he would have hated it!!

I still have so much to buy but I will get bits and pieces over the next few weeks. I have said to myself that I want to be all sorted before xmas. In that way I will be ready for the babies arrival, even if it decides to come a little early :0)

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Nursery furniture ordered!

26 weeks

Went up to Warks to see folks and it's Abi's b'day on the 19 Oct so wanted to see them too. It would be the first time they have all seen me with a bump so quite exciting. I really do have a baby bump now!
We had a very funny incident when we got to mum and dad's.... I stupidly couldn't find the spare key so the only way for Dan and I to get into the house was through a small window. Guess who drew the short straw for that?!?! There I was, almost 6 months pregnant being pushed head first through a window by my caring husband who was spouting encouraging support.... the cat was lying on the bed watching and its face was priceless! We managed to get in but only whilst the next door neighbour watched us do the deed whilst we attempted to prove that I was Jonty & Katka's daughter (I have only met the neighbours once or twice!). Very funny but at least it still shows that I am still supple!

As with most trips to see the parents I got spoilt rotten by mum. Lots of lovely clothes and bags, how exciting! Mum is soooo good to me!
We ordered our nursery furniture this week too. We decided on the 'willow' range from Mama's & Pama's. I think they see you coming..... as Dan said, anything with Weddings or Babies in it is going to cost a fortune!! It will look lovely when it arrives though, can't wait! We ordered a wardrobe and chest of drawers (I will pop a pick on when delivered and set up).

Nick and Abi very kindly gave us Felix's old cot! It's lovely and will be perfect with our other furniture. Here's a pic of Dan putting it together and me with the finished product!