Monday, 13 September 2010

2nd Scan - We seem to have a very shy baby!

21 Weeks
Dan and I went to St Helier hospital for our 2nd scan (anomaly scan). This is the scan where they check all the important bits like whether all the organs are formed, the heart and lungs have all the right cavities along with many other checks but most importantly... it's when they can tell us the sex of the baby!

Now, I have always been adamant that I didn't want to know the sex however waking up the morning of the scan I seemed to have an unusual change of heart! Luckily for me (as deep down I defo wanted it to stay a surprise), Dan was strong and told me to pull myself together (yep, I was actually throwing a tantrum and crying.... hormones?!?!) and I soon went back to my original way of thinking and deciding to wait was the best option for us!

The scan - lets just say I was a little disappointed with our little baby. I mean, he/she was in a healthy condition and had no problems at all which is the main and most important thing BUT we couldn't see a bloody thing! Our baby decided it wanted to be shy so when the picture came up on the screen all we could see was a spine and the back of it's head! After numerous attempts of going to the loo, jumping up and down, thrusting my hips, the little blighter still didn't fancy showing it's face to mum and dad!!! As you can see from the pics not a lot to see really! I guess he/she wants to remain a surprise and I can't wait!

Still not looking very 'pregnant'. In my opinion anyway!

I did ask the sonographer whether she could still tell the sex of the baby even in that position and she said yes. This makes me think that we are having a little boy as I think they only way they identify the sex is through either seeing or not seeing a little willy. She must have seen one as you really couldn't see anything of the baby in the position it was lying! Only time will tell I guess but my money's on a boy!

90% chance of having a 10lb + baby... YIKES!!!
Whilst I was jumping about in the toilet trying to get our baby to move, a few graphs popped up on the ultrasound screen. Dan being the 'statistical genius' he is, analysed these graphs and came up with the conclusion that should the baby continue to grow at the rate it's currently growing I will have a 90% chance of having a over 10lb baby!!! Over 10lb baby, Jesus Christ, that has gotta hurt, great!! The sonographer was quick to reassure us that this is only a guide and my midwife will begin measuring my bump at 30+ weeks which will give a more accurate indication but still... HOLY F&%K!!!
At this stage our gorgeous little bundle of joy weighs in at 2 pound (which I think is above average)!

Exciting new alert!!!
We also received some additional very exciting news this week too..... Pete and Helen are also having a baby!!!! I am so excited and was quite emotional when Helen told me. They are 7 weeks and due 29 April 2011 so maternity leave seems even more exciting now! Ladies that lunch anyone?!?! I do think I live in this dream world of having the most content little baby ever, who never cries, sleeps most of the time and I swan around living my 'yummy mummy' life. Hmmm, in reality I don't think it's going to be like that....

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love the tantrum about wanting to know but you wont regret it. Dan is strong. thats good. Whats with him calculating!? Ha! So something Nick would do. Very exciting anyway.
