Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Decision made - a water birth it is!

17 weeks

So after my ordeal at the midwife appointment, Frances put me in touch with a lovely lady called Carmel (who use to be a midwife) and I had a good chat with her about the questions I had. She put my mind at rest and also gave me more advice over the 10 minute phone call than in all my appointments so far. So, I was happy! The Head Midwife at St Helier called me after I logged a complaint, she was really helpful too and said that she would look into it and make sure I don't have that experience again. So again, very happy. It's worth complaining!

I mentioned to Carmel that we were thinking of having a water birth and she was so pleased which gave me a boost. Apparently she use to do the first water births in our area whilst she was practising and said the effect on the mother and the baby through out the labour were so much better than lying in a bed giving birth. I have read up a lot about it and although Dan was reluctant to begin with (he thought I was being ridiculous and airy fairy!) he has now changed his mind as he has also been reading up on it too and can now see the plus sides:

- I will relax more being in water;
- I will move about more as I will feel much lighter and able to move;
- the water relaxes the muscles so hopefully speeds up the labour;
- the baby will be born into water rather than straight breathing air so less stressful for him/her;

I guess there are some cons which we have to consider; infections for the baby, apparently this can happen if complications and also we hope the water doesn't become too messy (although Dan likes his joke about having to remember to pack a fish tank cleaning net to scoop stuff up, rank!). He is so loving....

I think the pros out weigh the cons so later in pregnancy we will get to visit St Helier birthing centre and check it out for ourselves and see what they're like, hopefully having a water birth will try and prevent wanting an epidural too (we will see...).

I have been very good with massaging my Bio Oil into my thighs, bum, boobs and tummy to try and avoid those stretch marks. I do it morning and night but Dan tends to do my tummy at night-time, we see it as good 'bonding' session for him and the baby, it's lovely really. No stretch marks so far so all is good!

Whilst I was in the process one evening of doing the Bio Oil ritual I came across something.... was a little shocked to begin with but it was a 'egg sized' hard thing at the bottom right of my tummy (about 2 inches below my belly button). It was amazing and I just knew it was something connecting to the baby. I called for Dan and we had a good old poke for a while until realising that we may be poking the poor thing in it's little head, whoops! After reading up on it, it's usual to feel this and it's actually part of the uterus and most women feel it about this time, so woo hoo, my first feeling! The baby is growing!

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