Saturday, 31 July 2010

14 Weeks & trip to Brighton

14 Weeks
31 July 2010

The 14 week bump scan. I will try to wear the same top when taking the photo but I keep forgetting (along with everything else I keep forgetting!). Honestly, my memory has become worse than ever... I walk into a room and completely forgot why I walked in, madness! I also tried to get on the bus using my work security pass rather than my oyster card!

I still feel like a 'chubbs' rather than pregnant but I can so see my body changing now. I love it! Bring on the bump!

Into the 2nd trimester now so feeling much better. All the old symptoms have gone however I have been suffering from trapped nerves in the left hand side of my back, my butt cheek and down my leg. It is so painful, although as usual, this is quite common in pregnancy. It's called Sciatica and will continue through-out. My mum said she had it and so did Dan's so I just have to do a few leg and back stretch exercises to help. Hopefully it will feel better soon.

Dan and I went to Brighton for a night, a b'day present from Dan's mum. We staying in the Grand hotel and had such a wonderful time. Although we live together it's so worth just getting away and really spending some time together. We had a lovely meal out at Due South (yummy). My lovely hubby Dan bought me a Dream Genie which is basically a massive long pillow which you wrap your body around to sleep and it supports your bump, back and legs. Suppose to use at the later stages of pregnancy but here's a photo of Dan demonstrating the Dream Genie..... hope it works and helps me sleep when my bump gets big!

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