31 July 2010
I still feel like a 'chubbs' rather than pregnant but I can so see my body changing now. I love it! Bring on the bump!
Told my boss today. I was a little worried as he is not the most supportive when it comes to women and babies, however I was very surprised! He said he would be as flexible as possible during the pregnancy and was keen to find out what my plans were afterwards (although he knew he shouldn't be asking....). I kept all my true thoughts to myself but he was very honest about how he could accommodate me returning part time etc, so was very cool!
Only time will tell as you never know how you feel after the baby has arrived however it was a weight of my mind that going back to work there could be an easier option than I originally thought!
Told my work colleagues too today but they said they already guessed anyway!!! They said they thought so as I had been eating so much (hehe) and also had a sick day last week and never have sick days! oh well, funny that they had guessed!
Told some of our friends around this time now (we just couldn't wait until the scan was done). They were all so excited, obviously! Some a little shocked that it had happened so quickly (as were we) but excited all the same! Dan and Abby becoming parents, yikes! ;0)