Monday, 19 September 2011

Finally eating and holiday in Spain

September 2011

We had the best time in Spain for 2 weeks with Nick, Zoe, Pete, Helen and the kids. The villa was incredible and the kids were as good as gold.

Sienna was fab on the plane. Had a little sleep but didn't cry at all so that was fab. I am sure it will change when she gets older though....

The biggest milestone for Sienna was her eating!!!! Literally, Sienna had not let anything past her lips until we stepped foot in Spain and she ate so much! I was trying BLW and spoon feeding (usually with porridge, yogurt etc) and she was loving it.

She moved from having 6 milk feeds a day to only 3. In only a couple of days. It was amazing.

Here's a pic of Iyla and Sienna munching on pineapple. So cute!

Iyla and Sienna were so cute playing together. They were sooo noisy though...both screaming, and not too good for us at 7am in the monring either! Poor little Alex was a bit young to get involved but I think he loved watching them.

Friday, 16 September 2011

8 month check

I took Sienna for her 8 month check with the health visitor. It's a standard check, basically just weighing them, checking their length and testing their gross and minor motor skills like standing on legs or being able to pick something up with their pincer fingers. All was good with everything.

Weight - 16 lb 1oz which is 25th percentile
Length- 70cm which is 75th percentile
Head circumference - 42cm which is 50th percentile

All was good! I also asked about Siennas weaning (or lack off) and she recommended I just stick with what I am doing and it will soon fall into place! Easier said than done but I'll keep going and hopefully she will start eating more soon.

We are off on holiday at the weekend (2 weeks I'm Spain) and I can't wait, it's gonna be so nice to get some sunshine!