Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Mummy and Daddy weekend away...

7 months old

I bought Dan a trip to Bruges for his birthday as I thought it would be great from us to get away on our own for a weekend. My Mum and Dad came down to have Sienna. Dan and I had a fabulous time, although we missed Sienna lots, it was so nice to just relax and not worry about being woken up early etc. We could just chill and do what we fancy and lie in which was a bonus! I think we will try and get away once a year so we will see.....

Sienna had a fab time with Grandma and Grandad and got spoilt rotten no doubt! Mum and Dad loved it too. Because they live quite far away, it's nice for them to send a few days with Sienna rather than in passing. She was a perfect little girl for them too so they were happy!

Sienna and I did catch an awful tummy bug before we went though. I was up at mum and dad's and was out with the old Claverdon lot and over the weekend we must have picked something up. I felt like death and I am so glad mum was around to help out with the little one! When Sienna was sick I didn't know what to do... I don't think I have ever seen so much sick come out of a little being, bless her! She doesn't seem to be bothered with being ill though. She is still a happy little bunny and I just finds she sleeps a lot!

Mum and Dad have got Sienna in a couple of weeks too for the weekend again as Dad has his first proper band gig/fancy dress night! It will be weired leaving her up at my parents and coming back without her but I am sure she will have a fab time!

Weaning is still moving forward slowly..... she has started taking a bit more food but still not amazing at accepting it! Patience I guess.....

Also, Sienna has got a mark they keeps popping up on the side of her face by her eye. It in an exact circle and a bit odd. Frances thought it may be ring worm which is a fungal infection. I took her to the doctor and they weren't too sure either so gave me some cream so hopefully that will clear it up. It's odd that it keeps disappearing and then coming back in the same spot and is an exact circle too! Odd!!

We have finally booked bubs into a nursery. We chose Amy Johnson which is next to St Elpheges's school. She starts one day a week from 6 October 2011 and I will be heading back into work for that day. I have almost run out of money now so desperate to get some wages coming back in. I will be sad to leave her but I think she will love it with all the other babies!

She's growing up fast.....

Oh..... she can also sit up unaided for a good length of time now too!! 7 months!!! It has made my life so much easier as I can sit her up and she'll play with her toys. She can roll off the bed now so no more of leaving her on there now....