Friday, 27 January 2012

Turning 1!!!

1 year already!!!!!

Our little princess has turned one!!! We are crawling, have 2 teeth, her mohawk has gone and she truely is the cutiest little thing ever!! Not that I'm bias!

We throw a 'little' party for bubbins. She had a lot of friends come and then we had a Tucker/Hawkes thing in the evening. During the day we just had lots of party food (not that the babies ate much), loads of toys about and then our star guest.... IGGLEPIGGLE!!! Uncle Laul dressed as Igglepiggle and some of the kiddies were scared but Sienna seemed ok. All day she was a little dazed by all the kids about but I think she enjoyed it all.

France made the most amazing birthday cake for Sienna. I was absolutely amazing!!!! The whole Igglepiggle family, in the night garden as Sienna's birthday cake. It was a shame to cut it.

Sienna has been getting involved in her musical instruments. She got a kids grand piano for her birthday from Uncle Martin and Uncle Spud and she absolutely loves it. It is the first thing she goes to when she comes into the living room. Well that or her pile of books. She is a little book worm!

Her first steps!!!!! Woo hoo, she has been getting to grips with her walker, finally started walking with it (12 February 2012). She's not walking on her own yet but she is getting quite quick with the walker. I can't wait for her to start walking properly, she will look so cute!

We did another newpaper interview, this time for The Sunday Times. They came round at 6.30am before work so it was a quick 'photoshoot'. They got a great photo. At least Sienna's mohawk has gone now, unlike in her Daily Mail shoot. Check us out, newspaper stars!!!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

1st Christmas!!!

11 months old

We spent Sienna's first Christmas up at my Mum and Dad's and had such a lovely time. Sienna was spoilt rotten and loved opening all her presents and stocking. I think I enjoyed it a bit more than her but still, she was at a lovely age to know that it was exciting.

Obviously being me, I had to dress her up as a little Santa. She didn't mind too much and of course she looked absolutely adorable!!

We came back and had a Christmas day with Dad's parents. Again, lots and lots of pressies and lots of yummy food too!

Sienna tucked into everything, including her first taste of chocolate cake! Yummy!!

This time last year, we had lots of snow over Christmas time when I was pregnant. I remember thinking how lovely it will be next year when we have our little baby around! Unfortunately no snow this year!

We had the first appearance of Sienna's first tooth, woo hoo!!!! She handled it so well, a bit grizzly but not too bad and certainly not as bad as I imagined. Saying that, it's only one tooth so far so we will see what happens with the next......

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Visit to Santa!

Sienna's first visit to Santa was hilarious! We went along to Woodcote Nursery with Iyla and Lucas and as we were walking through the grotto she was all fine and loving looking at the aminated reindeers etc. When we met Santa she was still happy until I popped her on his lap to have a photo and she just screamed! The photo we got was hilarious! I think it must have been his big beard and only being able to see his eyes through his glasses. Bless her!

Iyla also cried bless her! It's funny how kiddies this young don't like Santa and then they get older and just love him. Hehe, so funny!

I took Sienna up to the City as Dan had a work Christmas Carol service for children. Dan's colleague Emma was there with her hubby and kiddies so Sienna loved looking around and loved the singing too. We went for a pizza afterwards and then saw another Santa at Dan's office! What a lucky little girl!!

Christmas is coming!!! Woo hoo, how exciting!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Growing up so quickly!

10 months old

It's been just over 10 months since Sienna joined our little family! I can't believe how quickly it has gone and also how big she has got too. She is turning into a proper little girl now with her personality coming out!

With her crawling, she is everywhere.... in bags, in cupboard (pulling all the stuff out of kitchen cabinets!), literally anywhere she can get, she will go!! Her favourite game at the moment is 'I'm coming to get you....', then you chase her whilst crawling! Sh absolutely loves it!!

Sienna's favourite TV show.... Yep, 'In The Night Garden'. I bought her the musical Igglepiggle that Iyla had in Spain. She loves it and loves chewing it's nose off.... weird!

She is able to hold her own bottle now. We still have to lean her back as she hasn't worked out how to put her head back but she is getting there. It makes my life so much easier, as I can pop her pushchair down flat whilst we are out and she can guzzle her milk back. Awesome and such a clever little girl!

Went into work this week for the last time before Christmas and my boss Steven told Kimberley and I that one of us had to be made redundant.... Kimberley took it (I was gutted to begin with as I wouldn't have minded leaving with a large cheque) but in hindsight, I get a promotion with it and at least I have a job. Especially if we want to try and buy the house! Oh, the house.... we are currently having estate agents round to value and so far I think it may be out of our budget but we will see.... I think the landlord may want circa £435k which is more than we wanted to pay but fingers crossed he has a bit of flexibility as I would love to stay here as we have built a lovely home!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Halloween, Bonfire Night and first crawl!

9 1/2 months old

Of course, you guessed it..... I had to dress Sienna up on her first Halloween. She looked sooo cute!!!

I was up at the folks so Dad, mum and I did some pumpkin carving. Check how cool they look! We used a stencil kit from Waitrose, it was awesome and so easy to do. Of course Sienna is a little too young to understand what was going on but we still showed her some sparklers, flying lanterns and the pumpkins just to get her involved. She did love the sparklers!

It was the Halloween weekend when bubs started to crawl (or drag herself along really) but literally within a week she became so good at it. She is now crawling all over the place and we so need to baby proof the house big time!

Sienna still hasn't given us a good big baby belly laugh but she does giggle a fair bit. Usually when we are being big kids ourselves! It;s very cute and just gives you this gorgeous warm fuzzy feeling inside when she does.

She is eating so well, it's crazy. I haven't had her weighed in such a long time but I think when I do she must have put on so much weight. She eats so much and is now down to 2 milk feeds a day. Its so lovely to see her scoff her face with 'proper grub' and watch her enjoy it. Also lovely when we are out and she can sit at the table eating with us. I think she loves it too! We have to have a wipeable splash mat under her though to catch the dropped bits!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Nana and Grandad 60th weekend away

Isle of Wight

The Tucker/Hawkes/Platts headed to Isle of Wight to celebrate Frances and John's 60th birthday and little Sienna of course came with us. I think everyone was very excited about spending a weekend with the little one.

We had such a fab time although poor Sienna was not on her best form. We think it was teething (although we still don't have any teeth when I write this in November!) but she just didn't sleep at all. A nightmare for Dan and I as she was sharing our room. The Saturday night was the worst... we had a restaurant booked for all of us and we were hoping that we could get Sienna off to sleep and we could enjoy the meal... we spoke too soon!!! Poor thing just wouldn't stop crying and we had to take it in turns to go outside with her to try and get her down. In the end Auntie Fran came to the rescue and managed to get her to sleep in her arms in the living room of the restaurant owners. We did end up leaving the restaurant at about 9.30pm to get her back to bed. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep that night!

Monday, 19 September 2011

Finally eating and holiday in Spain

September 2011

We had the best time in Spain for 2 weeks with Nick, Zoe, Pete, Helen and the kids. The villa was incredible and the kids were as good as gold.

Sienna was fab on the plane. Had a little sleep but didn't cry at all so that was fab. I am sure it will change when she gets older though....

The biggest milestone for Sienna was her eating!!!! Literally, Sienna had not let anything past her lips until we stepped foot in Spain and she ate so much! I was trying BLW and spoon feeding (usually with porridge, yogurt etc) and she was loving it.

She moved from having 6 milk feeds a day to only 3. In only a couple of days. It was amazing.

Here's a pic of Iyla and Sienna munching on pineapple. So cute!

Iyla and Sienna were so cute playing together. They were sooo noisy though...both screaming, and not too good for us at 7am in the monring either! Poor little Alex was a bit young to get involved but I think he loved watching them.